Kia ora and welcome to 

Te Kura O Take Kārara

Online Enrolment


Parent Booklet

Kia ora Whānau, 

Nau mai haere mai. Welcome to Te Kura O Take Kārara. 

The importance of relationships and having a connected community is something we value greatly here at Take Kārara. Our vision is ‘nurturing learners to navigate pathways for the future’ and our core value is ‘You matter”. This means everyone that is part of our school community matters to us. 

At Take Kārara, the practices that drive our teaching and learning programmes will ensure that we shape a place where children feel they belong, can take risks, be creative and become collaborative and active citizens. We are dedicated to providing quality education where deep learning experiences foster and ignite a passion for learning and discovering. 

Our school values of ‘caring, courageous and connected’ encompass many things. From caring about each other and the world we live in, to caring about our learning and how we can reach our full potential. From being courageous, taking risks and recognising our strengths, to persevering and being resilient in times that are tricky. From being connected to our cultural backgrounds and to the place we stand in, to participating in and contributing to local and global issues. 

As a school, we believe learning is a partnership between the child, whānau and the teacher. We all want the best for your child and we will work together to achieve this. We look forward to being on this journey with you. 

Ka kite ano

Jodie Howard

Tumuaki / Principal


Pronunciation of Te Kura O Take Kārara

Please use this link or the QR Code to hear the correct pronunciation of Te Kura O Take Kārara. Thank you to Gemma Stewart from CORE Education for doing this for us.

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